Mortgage Property Assessment System for Rusfinance Bank
A leading Russian bank and a part of Société Générale Group, contacted us to develop a system and completely automate bank mortgage property assessment.
We carefully studied the collecting department specialists' working process and provided the first result within the first month.
We developed a system that simplifies the work procedure of four departments, reduces the time of vehicle assessment and report formation five times, nullifies mistakes and paper usage.
4 demonstrations
at the client office
3 departments
are automated
Mobile development
Java, Android SDK, REST API, RxJava, Retrofit, Realm, ButterKnife, Dagger2.
Spring Boot, Spring Security, Hibernate, Postgres, Liquibase, Mapstruct, JXLS, Apache POI, Jasper, Gitlab.
TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Angular, Angular Material.
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