Mobile App for Yugoria Insurance Company

The app is based on the insurant mobile account – our ready-made solution.

Yugoria is one of the leading insurance companies. It contacted us to design a clients' app for both iOS and Android.


Key tasks of the online app were:

— to store information on the client's policies;

— to provide online application for a policy registration or renewal;

— provide fast contact with the customer service and help in case of emergency.

1.5 months
of information system's integration
10 specialists
in the team


We used our ready-made solution of the insurant mobile account to build an app faster. The solution is based on our fintech development experience. So that we accomplished an integration with the company's information system in just 1.5 months. We also developed an individual app design, implemented the number of extra functions, and tested the final product.


The Yugoria Online app is available on iOS and Android. The company got a new way of communication with clients and now receives new requests for services.



Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Docker


React, Redux, Redux saga, Formik, Ant Design, Axios


Java, Kotlin, Dagger 2, RxJava 2, Moxy, Retrofit, Cicerone, Yandex Mapkit, Realm


Swift, RxSwift, RxCocoa, Alamofire, RealmSwift, R.swift, RxDataSources, Kingfisher, Yandex MapKit

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