Interactive Quest MVP for a Bank

We developed an MVP from scratch for one of the largest banks in Russia. In this case study, we will tell you how we managed to go from developing an idea to being ready for production in 1 month.


Our long-time customer chose us to develop an online service for the promotion of credit services. It was important for us to test business hypotheses and provide the customer with a ready-to-use product as soon as possible. Together with the customer, we decided that it would be an Android application in the format of an interactive quiz. The app users will be able to:

  • create a repair plan,
  • get the checklist,
  • calculate the budget based on ‌loan terms.

Our task was to explore the idea and develop a product that can attract new customers and increase sales.

10 experts
in the team
1 month
of development


We faced a strict deadline of 1 month and an ambitious task to define the requirements and develop the MVP from scratch. After analyzing the hypotheses and examining the user profile, we showed our business model to the customer and made sure that our ideas resonated with the сustomer's vision.

Under very tight deadlines, our team, led by a project manager, chose the Lean Startup approach, which allowed us at minimum cost to test the hypothesis that the product will be attractive to users. To align the product vision with the customer, we built a user story map to highlight valuable features of the future product and improve the user experience.

In one week, we developed design layouts, paying special attention to the main page of the quiz, which corresponds to the conservative corporate style of the bank and at the same time reflects the gaming nature of the product. Additionally, we designed the administrator's personal account for editing the quiz parameters. Our experts organized effective work with the Customer's design system within the team. Once the visual part of the future application was approved by the customer, we began development.

We analyzed the business requirements for the product and decided not to develop the backend. The system's specific features allowed us to immediately switch to designing based on the previously prepared React layouts. We deployed the Android app, added WebView to it, and configured it to display the quiz. We added animations to increase usability and implemented the ability to send SMS messages to users with the quiz results by setting up integration with the gateway on the customer side.

Before the release, we optimized the app for smooth operation on tablets. In addition, we added a repair calculator to the quiz and implemented the option of granular customization of settings. As a result, we exceeded the initial scope of tasks.


Within 1 month, we successfully implemented the planned functionality and several additional options and stayed within our budget.

The app allows users to:

  • customize the input data by choosing individual repair characteristics: ceiling height, room area, availability of furniture and appliances, etc.;
  • get a visual version of the project, selected with the specified budget;
  • calculate the cost of repairs and credit terms;
  • get the result with a checklist and a repair calendar.
10 people in the team: 1 PM, 2 analysts, 2 designers, 1 QA, 2 frontend-developers, 2 backend-developers


React, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, Android, Android Web View

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