Integration of a Smartwatch Application
Enhancement and integration of a smartwatch app.
A leading smartwatch manufacturer asked us to help enhance their mobile application and integrate it with the smartwatch. This application processes user activity data coming from a fitness tracker or smartwatch.
The application allows the key health indicators to be tracked, such as heart rate, blood pressure, step count, and calories burned.
Our team had two key tasks:
1. Integrate the application with a smartwatch.
2. Build a new Trainer screen from scratch to monitor heart activity with the ECG module.
Four teams from around the world collaborated on the project, each bringing in their own expertise. SimbirSoft joined the project in December 2019.
To complete the tasks, we organized the overall project workflow and developed SDK libraries. The application uses the MVVMCross framework to support MVVM architecture. We employed MVVMCross tools to connect the architecture components (dependency management, DM), view widgets, and view model (VM) properties. To render screens in Xamarin, we used native layout and markup storage formats — XIB for iOS, XML for Android. This enabled the use of the familiar native development tools — Xcode and Android Studio, respectively.
Our team implemented a heart activity monitoring system called Trainer based on the ECG module and user activity data. The system analyzes this data and offers health improvement tips to the wearer. The user can set daily goals and track progress percentages. The tips are clear and simple and available in 14 languages.
Xamarin, Android и iOS, C#, MVVMCross