Thematic social network
Social network for traders. It helps users track tools and market trends and follow other traders. Newcomers can learn from experienced users and advisers. Experienced traders make market forecasts, accuracy of which increases their rating and vice-versa. Built-in system calculates the accuracy of the forecasts and makes user ratings. Social network is available for American users. We developed architecture, network business logic and the app itself.
Development: Java SE7, Spring-security, Spring-data, Spring-mvc (REST), JUnit, PostgreSQL 9.3, Maven, Apache Tomcat, AngularJS, JQuery, AmCharts, Bower, Gulp.
Testing: Jmeter, Selenium Webdriver, TestNG, Maven, Firebug, Advanced REST client, Swagger, Jenkins
6 people in a team
4 developers, 1 QA, 1 project manager
2 years
product development
1.5 years
of development
The social network is available to US users. We developed the architecture, the business logic of the network and the application itself.
«We were happy that SimbirSoft team managed to get into the subject area required: extension of the team due to specifics of our project or implementation of our immediate ideas the team was prompt enough to keep the promised timelines».
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