Creating a VR-Simulator for Training in Pipeline Maintenance with Acid and Alkali Content

We helped create a VR-simulator to provide high-quality training for the company's employees working in a complex technical production environment.


Client: an industrial company.


The business objective was to create a training product that complies with all the intricate and specific internal security directives of the company. 
The development objective was to create a VR-simulator that effectively trains personnel on all the specific requirements of a complex technical production environment.


Developing a VR-simulator that allows users to practice their skills in navigating the challenging conditions of a unique industrial facility.  

The VR-simulator utilizes inverse kinematics techniques to position the virtual body based on the user's head and arm movements, rather than relying on proper full-body tracking. This approach eliminated the need for expensive tracking equipment, saving costs and making the simulator easier to operate.  


1) Design and approval of the simulator script and its visual concept (3 days).  

2) Prototyping the scenario as part of the simulator mechanics (2 weeks).  

3) Creating the simulator scene and the visual components of the entire application—from UI to 3D objects to populate the scene (2 weeks in parallel with the scenario prototyping). 

4) Testing and revisions (2 weeks).


Company employees enhance their skills and learn to handle critical situations through a ready-made virtual scenario that addresses all the specific training needs of their production facility.



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