Rescuing Your Product

We will restore your system after an unsuccessful development and build up a sustainable process for further developments of the product

In case your product is not complete or does not work, or if there is no source code or documentation, we will work on it and help you release a working product.

Having accumulated experience in saving dozens of IT systems, we know how to quickly join our clients’ projects and provide high-quality results on time.

Rescuing product service is for you if your project does not work properly or if it functions incorrectly after the operations implemented by a previous team. We work with projects from all spheres and industries. Our portfolio includes cases on the restoration of medical systems, websites for retail, MVPs for fitness, banks, insurance, and more.

What You Get

Budget savings

We will analyze and determine the most profitable option for you to rescue your IT product — we will modify the existing system or create a new one.

Zero risk of losing users

We will rework the existing product and release it without user experience interruption or any technical failures.

A software product that runs correctly

We will release a complete product in time that meets the terms of reference, goals of your business, and user needs.

Exclusive rights

After the release of the project, all the rights to the developed code are transferred to the client.

Simple product scaling

We develop software according to a clear, understandable structure and our code is clean, so you can easily make changes to the system in the future.

We Can Help You By

Restoring the availability of your system
It happens that after an inefficient development of a product, it is left in pieces. Not every team will have the expertise to fix such software, for success requires special skills from technical specialists. We will help you recover the current version of your product and ensure regular releases of new versions.
Preparing your product for an immediate release
Sometimes we get products a few weeks before their release. We have learned to understand the legacy code quickly, find the weaknesses, and the ways to fix them. Despite the number of issues, we will do our best to deliver your product version for a timely release.

Steps of Rescuing the Product

Study your system: codes, repositories, and documentations
Audit and test the existing system
Prepare an issue fixing plan
Development and testing
Develop the product using ready-to-use best practices when needed, and test the product
Demonstrate the implemented features
We will prepare and release the product in accordance with the stated deadlines
Development strategy
Make a joint plan for further developments of the product
1200+ projects implemented   20+ years of gaining expertise   830+ clients
Medical IT System Support
Microservice Architecture of Mobile Banking App
The previous remote banking service was a White Label IT solution and had limited functions. Users of the app had problems with the access. Updates were released rarely only through the vendor. Our task was to develop a modern remote banking service: a safe, fast, and stable financial space with new features and a fine design. At the same time, it was important for our client to manage all the processes and to get the expertise. The new app provides simplified authorization, money transfer through Faster Payments System, and transaction history. Users can also pay for various services, search for taxes and fines, observe the financial condition of their accounts and cards, as well as hide them for safer use in public places.
Business Cases
Medical IT System Support
Our partner approached us to test and enhance the functionality of an IT system employed by European clinics for doc-flow purposes. Doctors and administrators used the program to process thousands of files and appointment records on a daily basis, while millions of files were stored in a database.
In this project, we performed a large set of tasks:
  • Accelerated new releases in a short time.
  • We have implemented the development and testing parts.
  • Engaged in the support of the cloud.
  • Fixed a database malfunction and restored records lost by the client – more than 2 million documents.
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Microservice Architecture of Mobile Banking App
The previous remote banking service was a White Label IT solution and had limited functions. Users of the app had problems with the access. Updates were released rarely only through the vendor. Our task was to develop a modern remote banking service: a safe, fast, and stable financial space with new features and a fine design. At the same time, it was important for our client to manage all the processes and to get the expertise. The new app provides simplified authorization, money transfer through Faster Payments System, and transaction history. Users can also pay for various services, search for taxes and fines, observe the financial condition of their accounts and cards, as well as hide them for safer use in public places.
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«„Rewriting everything from scratch“ — is a commonly used phrase among many developers. Still, is entirely unacceptable for a business that has already invested a lot of resources creating its product. If there is even the slightest chance to save and modify existing software — we will do it!».
Alexey Kolesnikov
Cofounder, Cheif Development Engineer SimbirSoft
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