Mobile App Development

Cross-platform (Flutter, React Native) and native development (Objective-C/Swift, Java/Kotlin) for Android and iOS

Since 2008, the experts at SimbirSoft have developed more than 355 IT products for mobile devices, as well as a number of out-of-the-box solutions for various segments of the market.

Thanks to our extensive experience with complex projects, we are able to create user-friendly mobile apps within your preferred time frame. We provide quality at every stage: analysis, audit, UX consulting, engineering, design, product development, testing, and support.

We offer fast and accurate implementation of solutions for your business needs in all business sectors, including retail, fintech, foodtech, insurance, logistics, and telecom, among many others.

What You Get

App development of any complexity
App development of any complexity

Development of mobile apps from scratch, creation of out-of-the-box solutions, integration and refinement of existing projects. SimbirSoft's specialists possess expertise in:

  • Cross-platform development (Flutter, React Native). These technologies can be used to create apps and compile them for multiple platforms. This approach allows to reduce development costs.
  • PWA development. Your website gets transformed so it can be downloaded as an app to your smartphone. PWAs work on all platforms and devices, and thus do not need to be adapted for different operating systems or published on AppStore and Google Play.
  • Native development (Objective-C/Swift, Java/Kotlin) for iOS and Android. Our specialists create flexible and easily scalable mobile apps of different levels of complexity to fit the specificities of your business and the needs of your target audience.
Quality confirmed by clients and leading agencies
Quality confirmed by clients and leading agencies

Our projects hold leading positions and have received awards from top rating agencies, such as TopDevelopers and Goodfirms, among others.

Achieving results
Achieving results
We understand the importance of timeliness and priorities, which is why we aim to achieve your desired result in the shortest possible time. When developing products, we always take into account the nuances of the associated business field and the client's needs, such as an increased level of security.

We can ensure consistent results thanks to our 20 years of experience, including more than 10 years of mobile development. Once we take on a contract, we always bring the project to the completion of the expected solution.

Exclusive rights
Exclusive rights
All exclusive rights as well as the documentation, source code, layouts, regulations, developer and user manuals, instructions for deployment, programs, test methods, and other resources associated with the project are transferred to the client.

Partnership Options

We audit your product and offer individualized recommendations for the improvement of its technical solutions, tools, environments, and workflows and for the mitigation of risks affecting the quality of your development work.
Turnkey development
We take on all the work ourselves. We assign a product manager, who studies your goals and objectives and analyzes the needs of the market and your target audience. In a timely manner, we form a team of specialists with the necessary technical expertise and commit them to the project. You choose the level of your involvement: you can control the development at every stage or step in only when needed to discuss and coordinate issues related to the product.
Strengthening your team
In a timely manner, we provide specialists with the right technical expertise to strengthen your team. We join your project for any period of time. All of our employees are on staff, so we are confident in their professionalism and take responsibility for the quality of their work.


iOS  •  Android  •  SmartTV  •  SmartWatch  •  Custom SDK  •  IoT  •  Objective-C  •  Swift  •  Java  •  Kotlin  •  Flutter  •  React Native

Repossessed Cars Valuation for Rusfinance Bank
The client aimed at speeding up the process of inspecting repossessed cars and reducing human error in the workplace, as well as implementing a mobile workforce management system.

To do this, we developed the Android app, and provided for the solution of several problems at once:
  • standardized the process of car inspection;
  • introduced the photo and video recording of the car;
  • implemented the automatic generation of documentation that accompanies the inspection, as well as reporting on the process as a whole.
As a result, all the collected data has been unified, and the search for the necessary information has become easier and faster.


  • Inspection and data download time is reduced to 12 minutes;
  • The probability of errors during inspection is reduced to 0%;
  • Eliminated paperwork and fast electronic search;
  • Reduced time for training and adaptation of new employees, as the automated system contains tips and error warnings.
Remote Control Car for Cesar Car
The customer approached us to expand the existing functionality of the iOS app. In a month, we managed to implement new features:
  • personal account;
  • car location screen;
  • demo mode;
  • fingerprint login.


  • The application is used daily by 135,000 customers;
  • Tagline Awards 2018 Winner.
Client feedback: «When our company needed to redesign our mobile app with new functionality, we contacted SimbirSoft. During the work, we liked the willingness of the team to discuss the reprioritization of tasks, and the breakdown of the deadlines within parts of the overall task at our request».
Development of a Mobile App for HeadHunter
The client aimed at speeding up releases, as well as unifying the style of the iOS and Android apps, and increasing the stability of the service under conditions of growing mobile traffic. After analyzing these goals and the old codebase limitations, the company decided to develop the app from scratch.

SimbirSoft specialists took part in the development and quality assurance, as well as in the UX / UI design.

As a result of the well-coordinated teamwork, major product and technical tasks were completed successfully. We also added new features:
  • candidates search based on responses;
  • questionnaire with the results of negotiations with the applicant;
  • the option of commenting on the CV, visible only to the employer.
Gradually, we are changing the old fragments of the platform written in Viper, and writing all new ones in the MVVM architecture. This makes the application less cumbersome and more flexible for changes, and makes it easier for new developers to dive into the project.


  • The share of unsorted responses decreased by 5.8%;
  • Crash-free users are over 99%;
Business Cases
Repossessed Cars Valuation for Rusfinance Bank
The client aimed at speeding up the process of inspecting repossessed cars and reducing human error in the workplace, as well as implementing a mobile workforce management system.

To do this, we developed the Android app, and provided for the solution of several problems at once:
  • standardized the process of car inspection;
  • introduced the photo and video recording of the car;
  • implemented the automatic generation of documentation that accompanies the inspection, as well as reporting on the process as a whole.
As a result, all the collected data has been unified, and the search for the necessary information has become easier and faster.


  • Inspection and data download time is reduced to 12 minutes;
  • The probability of errors during inspection is reduced to 0%;
  • Eliminated paperwork and fast electronic search;
  • Reduced time for training and adaptation of new employees, as the automated system contains tips and error warnings.
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Remote Control Car for Cesar Car
The customer approached us to expand the existing functionality of the iOS app. In a month, we managed to implement new features:
  • personal account;
  • car location screen;
  • demo mode;
  • fingerprint login.


  • The application is used daily by 135,000 customers;
  • Tagline Awards 2018 Winner.
Client feedback: «When our company needed to redesign our mobile app with new functionality, we contacted SimbirSoft. During the work, we liked the willingness of the team to discuss the reprioritization of tasks, and the breakdown of the deadlines within parts of the overall task at our request».
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Development of a Mobile App for HeadHunter
The client aimed at speeding up releases, as well as unifying the style of the iOS and Android apps, and increasing the stability of the service under conditions of growing mobile traffic. After analyzing these goals and the old codebase limitations, the company decided to develop the app from scratch.

SimbirSoft specialists took part in the development and quality assurance, as well as in the UX / UI design.

As a result of the well-coordinated teamwork, major product and technical tasks were completed successfully. We also added new features:
  • candidates search based on responses;
  • questionnaire with the results of negotiations with the applicant;
  • the option of commenting on the CV, visible only to the employer.
Gradually, we are changing the old fragments of the platform written in Viper, and writing all new ones in the MVVM architecture. This makes the application less cumbersome and more flexible for changes, and makes it easier for new developers to dive into the project.


  • The share of unsorted responses decreased by 5.8%;
  • Crash-free users are over 99%;
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«SimbirSoft's standards allow us to create user-friendly mobile apps quickly and on the first try. We've created one of the best online banks in 100 days, and a fitness app for iOS and Android that we had developed for a famous blogger made it to the top of Google Play. Since 2008, we've created dozens of products, including two out-of-the-box solutions for the insurance market and retail. As many as 95% of our clients come back to us with new ideas».
Dmitry Peterson
SimbirSoft Chief Operating Officer
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