Our History

20+ years of creating IT solutions for businesses and individuals
We have come a long way from a single banking project to implementing over 1200 IT products for various business sectors. We have grown from a small team of developers to a global IT company with offices in Russia and the USA. We have overcome crises, ventured into new directions and markets, and have grown in competencies and expertise.
2001 – 2005
2006 – 2010
2011 – 2014
2015 – 2020
2021 – 2022
2001 – 2005
2006 – 2010
2011 – 2014
2015 – 2020
2021 – 2022

The company grew from 5 to 9 people. We simultaneously worked on 10 projects.

Opening our first office in Ulyanovsk
In 2001, it was a small office in the building of the Ulyanovsk Center for Microelectronics. Sergei Yurkin and Gennady Trofimov were the founders of the Company. They invited colleagues who later became co-founders — Vitaly Sumenkov, Alexei Kolesnikov, and Alexei Florinsky.

Developing an online map solution earlier than Google. In 2003, we developed a GPS tracker for online yacht tracking on the map for a sailing regatta. Google Maps was only launched in 2005, so the solution was custom-built. We tested it on land and on a cruise ship during a storm.

Finding our first customers from Japan and the USA
For Japanese projects, we developed a business card builder and digitized 3D models from printed catalogs, mainly focusing on jacks. In each catalog, there were about 1,000 pages, and we had to scan all of them. To establish better connections with the customer and understand their business, we arranged a business trip to Japan.
Developing an e-commerce solution

We implemented the Avactis platform on the LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) technology stack for rapid deployment of an e-commerce store. We distributed it as both a boxed solution and later as an SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution.

Team lead — Alexei Florinsky.

«Разогнали» интернет
Accelerating internet connectivity to satellite-based networks
Instead of the then-popular ZyXEL modem, we installed a satellite antenna on the roof. This allowed us to speed up internet connectivity and communicate with customers worldwide.
Launching a flagship project for a company with a customer from the USA

We started working on a cloud-based SaaS solution for enterprise project, strategy, and resource management. Large American corporations used the product, and there were only two or three competitors.

Team Lead - Alexei Kolesnikov.


By the end of 2010, the SimbirSoft team had grown to 47 employees.

Expanding international partnerships
We initiated projects with companies from the United States, Germany, and Israel. For example, for the latter, we developed software for their motion tracking system using C#.
Joining the RUSSOFT association
We gained the opportunity to collaborate with the largest and most influential software development companies in Russia, focused on the global market.
Conducting our first QA courses. We started sharing IT expertise externally and launched our first training courses on QA.
logo rstqb
Obtaining international RSTQB certification
QA specialists received their first RSTQB certificates, confirming their high qualifications and compliance with international standards. Currently, over 60% of our colleagues have certificates.
logo Simbirsoft
Moving to a new office in Ulyanovsk
The headquarters is located in the Crystal office building. At first, we occupied a couple of offices, then a whole floor, gradually filling the entire building and the offices in the adjacent one.
аккредитация Минцифры
Obtaining accreditation from the Ministry of Digital Development
We joined the list of accredited organizations operating in the field of IT and confirmed our accreditation in 2021. Obtaining accreditation allowed us to benefit from government support measures such as reduced insurance contribution rates, zero corporate income taxes, access to preferential mortgages, deferment of mobilization obligations, and more.

We grew to 231 people. We simultaneously worked on 40 projects.

Opening branches in Dimitrovgrad and Boston
In addition to Ulyanovsk, SimbirSoft offices were established in two continents — in the neighboring city of Dimitrovgrad and in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Expertise for the people

In 2011, SimbirSoft experts initiated practical training programs for IT students at Ulyanovsk State Technical University (UISTU) and National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (DITI). A number of talented students and graduates are already getting a chance for employment at the company.

This was initiated by Deputy CEO Oleg Vlasenko.

Establishing an internal Quality Assurance Service

With the growth of the Company and its projects, it became necessary to build up systemic internal processes. The first edition of the project management document included 78 points.

Watch the video to see how an internal project prompted us to reassess our approach to work and establish our own QA policy.

Organizing the Stachka event and supporting Ulcamp
Since 2011, we started sharing our expertise with the outside world by creating IT communities. We participated in the beach IT festival Ulcamp and became sponsors and co-organizers of the first IT conference called Stachka. We further organized sessions and networking events on analytics, mobile development, and QA & SDET.

In 2013, in collaboration with our partner DictateIT, we launched a healthcare project, which involved creating and upgrading a system for automating document flow between hospitals and private practices in the UK. In 2014, during a business trip to London, we met with the customer's entire team and discussed future collaboration.

Our work with DictateIT began with a 2-week test assignment, which eventually turned into a collaboration lasting over 10 years.

Launching the IT.Place educational platform
We created our own space for knowledge sharing and development of IT specialists called IT.Place, which is now known as Silicium. The first courses were dedicated to studying C++. Out of the 20 students, three joined our team.
Starting a blog on Habr

We wrote our first expert article on Habr about memory optimization in the Linux kernel. Since then, we have published over 150 articles on this platform alone.

IT.Place command
Launching English language courses
We introduced free classes specifically designed for IT specialists, aimed at enhancing their effectiveness in international projects.

By 2019, SimbirSoft's team expanded to 700 members

Developing mobile.SimbirSoft
The first mobile projects were launched in 2010. The growing demand for mobile applications prompted us to focus on this area.
Successful mandatory audit
Starting in 2015, we began undergoing mandatory independent audit to verify the accuracy of our financial and accounting reports. Each year, we achieve an outstanding outcome: an audit report without any negative feedback.
In 2017, SimbirSoft's turnover grew by 57%. Thanks to our clients' feedback, SimbirSoft solidified its position in leading global and Russian rankings.
Первая «удаленка»
The first remote work experience
In 2015, we onboarded our first remote worker from the city of Serpukhov.
первая бизнес-встречу в Москве
We held our very first business meeting in Moscow, dedicated to the development of digital banking products
We talked about the transformation of the current service delivery format, which is aimed at promptly meeting customer needs, and demonstrated the most effective options for forming project teams.
Opening offices in Saransk, Samara, Kazan, and Moscow
As the company grew, SimbirSoft expanded its presence in the Volga region and established a headquarters in the capital city. In 2017, SimbirSoft opened a branch in Saransk, and in 2018, branches were established in Samara, Kazan, and Moscow.
Sharing our expertise and case studies at various conferences. SimbirSoft presented at SECR, iFin, RIF.Technologies, FinNext, MobiFinance-2019, and other conferences. The most popular presentations were about the fintech applications we developed for large banks.
Started connecting account managers to projects
We established an Accounting department, where experts are charge of client partnerships: they assist with streamlining operations, tackle any issues, both conventional and unconventional, and offer feedback on timelines, iterations, and improvements.
IT.Place turned 5

5 years in figures:

  • 4,000+ participants attended our meetups, workshops, and intensive courses
  • 204 participants became SimbirSoft employees
  • We held 138 IT events
  • 60 resident experts organized and supervised our activities.
SimbirSoft — «Бренд года»
SimbirSoft as Brand of the Year

We won the regional Brand of the Year-2018 competition in the Leading Positions in the IT Industry category.

We had also topped this category in 2016 and 2017.

Creating proprietary products
We started with the mobile insurance policyholder app, and then we presented the Estimate project evaluation system. During the remote work period, we developed a mobile app with a chat-based store called ShopChat.
Внутри Лапенко
Transitioning to remote format
In 2020, we transitioned to remote work and held our first online summer corporate event, SimTube, which included a hackathon, an artistic film called Inside Lapin, and interviews similar to those conducted by Yury Dud.
SimbirSoft – партнер центра цифрового образования «ИТ-куб»
SimbirSoft is a partner of the ITCube Digital Education Center
Back in 2018, SimbirSoft founder Sergey Yurkin was one of the first people to support the idea of creating the educational platform, and SimbirSoft became the IT Cube sponsor. The project aims to attract talented children and teenagers into the field of information technology.
Открыли серию Mobile-хакатонов в Ульяновске
Mobile Hackathon series launched in Ulyanovsk

Four teams created a fully operational client-server geolocation application and used it to complete the quest that our mobile developers had designed specially for the hackathon.

After fierce competition, two teams emerged victorious. The first team received an award in the Clean Code nomination, while the second team got the highest score in the quest. The winners received not just valuable prizes and experience, but also an opportunity to further collaborate with SimbirSoft.

круглый стол
We participated in a roundtable discussion held by the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies, and Communications, centered around modifying the taxation system for IT companies.
Провели экскурсию
We hosted an office tour for students from Germany and China
Ulyanovsk State Technical University runs an educational program, the FIST International Summer School, where foreign students learn about machine learning and data analysis technologies. SimbirSoft explained to the students how to apply their new knowledge in real-world scenarios.


Ranked first in the global and Russian ratings

The 2021 Global Outsourcing 100 by IAOP®.

The Best Global Software Development Company in 2016 by Corporate America.

TOP-10 Mobile Development Companies in Russia in 2019 by TopDevelopers.

Leading Healthcare Application Developers in 2021 by TopDevelopers.

Lists of the Largest IT Suppliers for Industrial Enterprises and Financial Services Software.

Providers by CNews Analytics.

Золотой партнер Битрикс24
Becoming a Gold Bitrix24 Partner
We attained this new status thanks to our accumulated expertise in the Bitrix24 system and our regular assistance to customers in its implementation and usage.
Conducting the TechnoRevolution
We organized our own IT events, including a business meeting on banking IT products, an anti-conference on mobile development, and the first conference with our customers called TechnoRevolution.
Helping people enter the IT field

We held 20 meetups for over 2500 participants and 11 workshops for over 400 aspiring specialists.

We received feedback from participants on backend workshops, summer intensives, online workshops on Java, Python, Frontend, Mobile, QA, SDET, DevOps, and design.

Академия тимлидов
Launching collaborative workshops, intensives, and the Team Leaders Academy
We organized online courses on mobile development based on Flutter in partnership with Skillbox and started our first external QA intensive. We also launched our in-house Team Leads Academy.
Big Stream
Conducting a Big Stream
We spent a whole day with our developers, analysts, QA&SDETs, and designers. There were 6 sections covering various topics and 35 presentations that were selected throughout the year based on the results of meetups and conferences.
Our partners from DictateIT paid a visit to SimbirSoft
Throughout our collaboration, we have frequently visited our partners in London. Now, we got the chance to discuss support and development strategies for our IT product with the entire development team at our Ulyanovsk office.
Certificate ISO-9001:2015
Obtaining ISO-9001:2015 certification
We underwent international certification for our quality management system ISO-9001:2015.
Создали бонусную систему
Bonus system established
SimbirSoft employees now have access to: Voluntary Health Insurance; reimbursement for expenses on fitness/sport clubs, equipment, training, children's holidays, and travel, as well as medical check-ups and charity support.
We delved into the world of data analysis, machine learning, and blockchain. We implemented projects that aimed to detect defects in equipment through the use of neural networks, as well as automated text translation projects. We traveled to Boston to develop a platform for insurance companies with machine learning algorithms.

We grew to over 1300+ employees and simultaneously worked on 190+ projects.

Opening an office in Krasnodar
It became the southernmost office of SimbirSoft with a Kuban IT vibe. At the time of opening, over 100 remote workers from Krasnodar became a part of the new branch.
Sharing our expertise
Together with our partners, we organized an online conference called TechnoRevolution 2.0 with 20 hours of content on technology, management, and onboarding. We participated with presentations in international forums in Russia and abroad, including iFin-2022, CNews.Cases, VBA, PLAS/Fintech, Information Technologies of Tomorrow, IT Summit, and others.
Building an IT community
We held 43 meetups for 4,870 participants, 42 workshops and intensives for 7877 participants. We continue to share our expertise with backend/web developers, frontend developers, mobile developers, QA, SDET, analysts, designers, and DevOps specialists.
Maintaining a work-life balance
We have established a hybrid mode of remote work and office work. We have created coworking spaces in our offices where any employee can come and work. We also organize offline meetings for sports sections and interest clubs, with over 30 options ranging from basketball and chess to yoga and cinema.
Заботимся по экологии
Caring about ecology, people, and governance quality (ESG)
We plant trees, participate in cleanup activities, help animal shelters, and implement waste sorting in our offices. We have reduced paper documentation and switched to electronic document flow. We were included in the list of 115 companies participating in the ESG index by RBC and the rating agency NKR.


Our awards
We won the RUSSOFT AWARDS 2021 in the Growing Service Company category. We were recognized as the best in mobile development by Goodfirms and Softwareworld. We rank in the top 10 fastest-growing companies in Russia, top 15 global software developers for healthcare, and leaders in the field of Machine Learning.
«ЗаБег» состоялся!
ZaBeg has taken place! SimbirSoft means strength and power!

Five of our heroes conquered the HALF MARATHON — a distance of 21.1 km. Seventeen colleagues completed the 10 km distance, 31 employees tackled the 5 km, and 17 SimbirSoft employees ran 1 km.

Employees from ten cities participated in the race: Ulyanovsk, Samara, Krasnodar, Kazan, Saransk, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Penza, Rostov, and Moscow.

Grand Prix series at summer corporate events
Over the course of 6 weeks, we held a series of Grand Prix Summer Corporate Events in the cities where we are present: St. Petersburg, Saransk, Kazan, Krasnodar, Samara, and concluded in Ulyanovsk. Our colleagues prepared for the races at ‌Formula One level!
Opening a production studio
Obsidian is our black room where even the craziest ideas for video projects come to life: battle shooting, interviews with colleagues, and even a series for the corporate social network, videos about our areas of focus, business-themed podcasts, and more.
SimbirSoft CEO's interview for the IT Industry Leaders project
In a discussion with RUSSOFT President Valentin Makarov, Alexey Florinsky shared the story of the company's inception and gradual expansion into Russian and international markets. Alexey identified the key factors in the company's growth: strong technical expertise, a thriving IT community in the region, a willingness to adapt processes to meet the client's business needs, and an understanding of how and why this needs to be done.
We celebrated SimbirSoft's 20th anniversary

600 employees from various parts of Russia simultaneously joined our online meeting in honor of the company's birthday.

As part of the 20th anniversary, we organized a series of exciting events and giveaways, including a time capsule filled with our partners' wishes. The time capsule is set to be opened in 2041.

Throughout the year, we gave each employee 4 unique gifts: a delicious snack box, a tube with a thermos and fortune cookies, a case with a reusable notebook and a portable lamp, and a cozy blanket.

We developed Linkory, a marketing service designed to boost sales
After analyzing the market and identifying pain points, we used this information to develop a tool that provides statistics on customer-document interactions. This helps improve key indicators, increase customer engagement, and reduce the transaction chain.
We celebrated 15 years of partnership with the Volga-IT International Digital Competition
Our primary mission is to assist the competition's participants with going over the vast range of IT specializations and choosing the one that will enable them to reach their full potential. We have been making IT more accessible to entry-level professionals for many years now, which makes us immensely happy.
From the very beginning, we have focused on our customers' priorities and tasks, building technical and engineering expertise, studying best practices, and growing teams to create modern and reliable IT solutions.
We see the world as a realm of opportunities for continuous progress through technology
We take pride in our portfolio of 1200+ projects and the specialists at SimbirSoft who continuously develop their skills.
The most important thing for us is to assist customers in implementing their projects
We strive to establish long-term and reliable relationships, and make our work transparent and understandable.
We are committed to addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues
The company helps students with career planning, supports them with equipment, sponsors schools, and partners with Olympiads.

Different Cities — One Team

We operate in over 40 regions and more than 70 cities across Russia. Our headquarters are located in Ulyanovsk, with additional offices in Kazan, Saransk, Dimitrovgrad, Krasnodar, Samara, and Saint Petersburg

Kazan Veliky Novgorod Moscow Ulyanovsk Saransk Dimitrovgrad Khabarovsk Astrakhan
Krasnodar Cheboksary Saint Petersburg Voronezh Yaroslavl Nizhny Novgorod Perm Saratov
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